Kontny Law Firm – your lawyer for trustworthy advice

Lawyer for amicable divorces in Cologne

Family law services

Would you like to end your marriage quickly and easily?

Have you and your partner already agreed on a divorce? There is no conflict between you and you just want to complete the divorce quickly and easily? Then it is an amicable divorce or divorce by mutual request. What is characteristic of this is the mutual desire of the spouses to dissolve the marriage. It is not necessary that there be a general agreement on the decision to divorce, as important matters relating to the divorce must be settled before the application is made. Nevertheless, an amicable divorce offers many advantages. It is more cost-effective and less time-consuming than a contentious or even hardship divorce. Important issues such as custody and maintenance can be clarified at an early stage, particularly with regard to children. In addition, in the event of an amicable divorce, you only have to pay the costs of one lawyer and thus save the fees for a second lawyer. By reaching agreement you will also save yourself a lengthy divorce process.

Are you and your partner still looking for a suitable lawyer for your amicable divorce? Then contact us now!

What are the costs of a divorce?

Collaborative divorce is the most cost-effective option among all divorce options because it only requires paying a lawyer. The costs for the procedure are regulated in the Court Costs Act and the Lawyers' Remuneration Act. Among other things, the legal fees and court costs are stipulated there. These values are based on the procedural value, which results from the net income of both spouses multiplied by three months. If necessary, 10% are added for supply equalization. If the spouses do not have a regular income, a quarterly average is used for the calculation. If one of the spouses is unable to bear the costs, legal aid (formerly legal aid) can be granted. In order to receive this help, you as an applicant must be in need and have a chance of success.

Are you still looking for a suitable lawyer for your amicable divorce? With us you are at the right address! We offer you professional advice as well as clear cost estimates for the legal fee. Our law firm will accompany you transparently and efficiently from start to finish of the divorce proceedings.

What requirements must be met in order to have an amicable divorce?

In addition to the mutual agreement on the divorce of the marriage, there are further requirements Civil Code (BGB) explained.

  • The marriage must have failed.
  • There is no longer any marital cohabitation and there is no prospect of an imminent restoration.
  • The couple has been living apart for at least a year.
  • The year of separation is mandatory and is intended to protect against hasty decisions.
  • If you are still living in the same apartment during the year of separation, it is advisable to record the exact date of separation in writing and sign the document. In the family court, this then serves as proof of compliance with the year of separation.
  • Statements from acquaintances can also support your statement.
  • If you already live in separate apartments, a new rental agreement or a registration certificate can serve as proof.
  • To ensure that an amicable divorce takes place, it is advisable to discuss the main consequences of the divorce in advance. If this is difficult for you, engaging a mediator may also be considered.
As a family law attorney, I would be happy to support you with your divorce. I would be happy to check for you whether all the requirements have already been met and whether possible discrepancies can be resolved out of court. My goal is to complete your divorce as quickly as possible. Arrange a consultation appointment directly online!

How does an amicable divorce happen?

Have you and your partner decided to divorce? You are probably wondering how this divorce will work. By deciding to divorce, you have already taken the first and most demanding step. Now you are looking for an experienced lawyer in the area of divorce law. This person will discuss your wishes and goals with you and provide you with transparent information about the legal situation. If both spouses agree, a lawyer will be hired.

The application for divorce must then be prepared in court. All relevant aspects of the consequences of the divorce must be regulated in consultation with a lawyer. The following questions often arise:

  • Who stays in the marital home?
  • How are assets divided?
  • How should shared debts be handled?
  • Who should the children live with and how should visitation rights be regulated?
  • Who bears the costs for the children (e.g. clothing, school supplies)?
  • Are there claims to maintenance and, if so, how are they settled?

Submitting the application begins the divorce process. After the court verifies the documents, a date is set at which both spouses must be present. This is the last opportunity to contest the divorce. Otherwise, the amicable divorce is complete, but not yet legally binding.

If you and your partner still have disagreements about important consequences of the divorce, I will be happy to assist you. Together we will find a transparent and fair solution.

AK Legal takes care of your divorce

If you are looking for competent legal representation for your divorce, we are happy to help you. Our commitment extends not only to first-class legal support, but we also offer empathetic support. Even an amicable divorce, which often involves less hassle and expense, is still a legal matter. In addition to emotional challenges such as anger and grief, a divorce always represents a significant financial outlay. In addition, numerous legal aspects must be clarified that have a significant impact on your future life and that of your family.

Specific consequences of divorce are often difficult for laypeople to understand and fully assess. For this reason, an independent and professional perspective is necessary to settle out-of-court disputes and to make the associated costs transparent. In addition, the legal requirement in the family court requires legal representation for the divorce who can effectively represent your interests. With our expertise, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands throughout this process.

If you and your partner have decided on an amicable divorce, we will optimize this process for you. Contact us today for a comprehensive initial consultation!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Since there is no official body where spouses can report a separation, the new rental agreement or a registration certificate can be used as proof. Witnesses can also confirm how long the couple has been living apart. If the spouses separated within the same apartment, a written agreement is sufficient.

The law applies to the division of assets built up by the spouses during the marriage, provided there is no prenuptial agreement. Accordingly, both spouses are entitled to half of the other's capital gains during the marriage. In order to be able to carry out the asset settlement, it is necessary that all of your assets are documented.
To calculate the costs of a divorce, the net income of both spouses for three months is multiplied and the procedural value is determined. If necessary, an additional 10 % will be added for the pension equalization. This value forms the basis for calculating the divorce costs.
Spouses' pension entitlements often have different amounts. The pension equalization aims to compensate for these differences. According to the Pension Equalization Act, any pension entitlement that was acquired during the marriage is halved equally and 50 percent is credited to both partners.

If you are financially unable to cover the costs of the procedure, you have the option of applying for legal aid from the state. The prerequisite for this is that the applicant is in need and the procedure has a chance of success. In our office we will be happy to support you in submitting the application and represent your interests in the process.

You are considered to be in need as soon as you are unable to finance yourself from your own income and assets. Only then are you entitled to maintenance. In contrast to separation maintenance, you are then obliged to look for appropriate employment. This should match your education, skills, age and health.
A lawyer is considered efficient if he or she is able to make maintenance payments without jeopardizing his or her own reasonable livelihood. The paying partner must always have a deductible. According to the current Düsseldorf table, the monthly personal consumption currently amounts to 1,280 euros for employed people and 1,180 euros for non-employed people.
This is a generally accepted guideline for the maintenance needs of minor children, which is based on the minimum maintenance requirement. The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court regularly revises the maintenance rates in cooperation with the German Family Court Association.

According to the Civil Code (BGB), the parent with whom the minor child does not stay permanently is obliged to pay so-called cash maintenance. In the case of adult children who are in training or studying, both the father and mother are obliged to provide maintenance.

If you do not have sufficient financial resources and your ex-partner earns enough, you are entitled to separation maintenance during the period between the separation and the final divorce. You should request this support in writing and include all of your spouse's income.

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Subbelratherstrasse 15a
50823 Cologne

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Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m

